New Org Strucuture PA – Setup

New Org Strucuture PA – Setup


Adding Organization Type 2

Period Processing in Oracle EBS Projects 15

1. Period End Date Accounting 16

2. Expenditure Item Date Accounting 19

3. Expenditure Item Date Accounting with Common Accounting Periods 21

Conclusion 24

Adding Organization Type
ORG_TYPE Organization Type Displays Organization Types

Responsibility: Application Developer

(N) Application 🡪 Lookups 🡪 Common

Select ORG_TYPE to add new Organization Type

Journal Approval

1. Create a User

2. Create a Job

3. Create a Position

4. Create a Employee and assign the job and position

5. Attached Employee to the user

6. Enable Journal Approval for Ledger

7. Enable Journal Source

8. Set Approval Limits

9. Enable Profile Options

10. Create a Journal

Business Group

Project Organization and Project Hierarchy

Setup Organization Hierarchy

AP Invoice Issue

APPS-SQLAP-10000 Cause: An error has occured during account generation

Calendar Issue

Open 1st period of new year throwing following error message

ab_period_set_name = DAY8LEARNING

sqlcode after PCS1 cursor open = 0

prior to being set to null, control ptr = 0

afterwards control ptr = 0

second argument (ledger_id) = 1024

third argument (parent ptr) = ffd8ac04

fetch iteration number = 1

sqlcode after array fetch = 1403

sqlerrd[2] after array fetch = 0

OOAP0010: Please define Calendar Periods before opening them.

[21-DEC-2023 00:26:41]:

>> gloopr()

[21-DEC-2023 00:26:41]:

>> glornp()

OOAP0019: There are not enough periods defined in your Calendar. Please define your future enterable periods.

[21-DEC-2023 00:26:41]:

<x glornp()


All periods define however due to period type select for Calendar causing this issue,

Period Type “Month” required 13 months including “Adjustment” therefore defining only 12 month causing issue opening 1st period of new-year.

Solution: Added Month 13 as “ADJ” to year 2023 and 2024 resolved this issue and successfully open next period.

In PA we have two types of periods:

PA Periods

GL Periods

Period Processing in Oracle EBS Projects


Oracle Projects stamps Project Accounting Date (PA DATE) and General Ledger Accounting Date (GL Date) on all project-related transactions. The system derives accounting dates based on how PA and GL periods are defined during implementation.

Oracle Projects enables you to account for transactions more frequently in PA as compared to Oracle General Ledger (GL). For example – an enterprise may choose to define weekly PA periods with monthly GL periods so that one GL period is mapped to multiple PA periods; however, should there be a need to account for transactions in Oracle Projects and GL at the same frequency then PA and GL periods must have a one-to-one relationship.

The PA and GL accounting dates for transactions are generated during cost distribution or when transactions are created, which implies that for reporting a transaction by GL period there is no need to wait for transactions to be interfaced to General Ledger.

Oracle Projects allows three Transaction Accounting Methods based on which one may derive accounting dates for project-related transaction –

  • Period End Date Accounting
  • Expenditure Item Date Accounting
  • Expenditure Item Date Accounting with Common Accounting Periods

Period Processing Algorithm in each of the aforementioned transaction accounting methods will be based on whether a transaction is –

Undergoes Cost Distribution in Oracle Projects – Timecard, Usage, Miscellaneous, Supplier Cost Adjustments, and Expense Report Adjustments

Imported as Distributed Cost to Oracle Projects – Supplier Costs Interfaced from Oracle Purchasing and Supplier Costs and Expense Reports Interfaced from Oracle Payables

1. Period End Date Accounting

With Period End Date Accounting enabled, you maintain Project Accounting Periods in Oracle Projects and General Ledger Accounting Periods in General Ledger.

The system derives GL Dates from PA Dates and sets each accounting date to the end date of the corresponding accounting period.

Implementation Steps

In order to implement Period End Date Accounting, ensure that profile option PA: Enable Enhanced Period Processing is set to NO.

2. Expenditure Item Date Accounting

With Expenditure End Date Accounting enabled, both Project Accounting Periods and General Ledger Periods are maintained in Oracle Projects.

System derives both GL Date and PA Dates independently and does not set them to Period End Date as it happens in Period End Date Accounting.

Implementation Steps

In order to implement Period End Date Accounting, ensure that profile option PA: Enable Enhanced Period Processing is set to YES.

3. Expenditure Item Date Accounting with Common Accounting Periods

With Expenditure End Date Accounting enabled, General Ledger Periods are maintained in Oracle Projects and the system automatically maintains PA Periods.

The system derives GL Date for each transaction and copies the value to PA Date.

Implementation Steps

In order to implement Period End Date Accounting, ensure

  • Enable Enhanced Period Processing is set to YES.
  • Under Implementation Options, Check option Maintain Common PA and GL Periods.


With the help of aforementioned transactional accounting methods, Oracle Projects Suite provides lot of flexibility to an enterprise to account for transactions as per its accounting requirement; however, before choosing any of the available methodologies, implementation team should take into consideration all the pros and cons of each of the said approach.

For further details on the said methods, it is strongly recommended to go through Oracle Projects Implementation Guide.



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